What resonates with you when you are exposed to concepts like spirtuality, accult, wicca, new age, voodoo and paganism to name a few? For me these are titles that introduced me into an expanded life and resonance that has created new found love, exceptance and life meaning. Though it feels like the powers that be don’t won't main stream society to discover. I expect if your reading this post you are travelling on your own path of self discovery and human potential as a whole. My spiritual travels have lead me to a new understanding of nature and creating my own reality and set of beliefs that can and are subject to change at any time, let’s face it we really are creating new light portals and three dimensional understanding as well as gaining our “double phd of hard knoks” (Andrew Bartzis quote). This has lead me to create spiritual and Intuitive art in the form of spiritual Talismanic and totem creations with guidance from elemental realms as well as downloads from all manner of spiritual beings and entities. For me it all comes down to imagination and intuition, two very powerful mind states to say the least. So I thought I would use this blog as a compendium of my art work and divination and intuitive journey from this point in my incarnation and it will let me explain in more detail my intuitive practice as the Earth plain designer of PURPLE FACE. Please feel welcome to look through the rest of my Website there are photos and more info about my spiritual creation and intention. Till next time 😊


Spirit Portal.