Law of vibration

What is your favourite colour? A very common question people ask, but as far as I’m concerned it is a question of our subconscious and its preference to different vibration frequencies. Our energy body is made up of swirling rainbow vortexes and portals connecting as to everything else that exists in our grand universe. To me colour holds a miriade of sacred energy and magic, it also guides each of us though our multidimensional reality. Ever since I started creating spiritual art I have used colour to enhance the natural objects I find and then assemble. Each colour I use represents a different chakra portal in the human body as well as representing the 7 sacred planets in our solar system as well as corresponding to the tarot meaning and symbology. Though I have sacred sigil that I have created and employ in my designs and traditional symbols that resonate with me I find colour magic is a more pure and humanising addition to my spiritual expression and therefore sacred and integral. As I experience my personally created reality I am guided by the elemental colour frequencies and am astounded at what can be understood by looking at colour vibration more deeply. Below is a natural portal I found a month or so ago that I wanted to share. Till next time.


Undead moment of now.


Polarity influence