Polarity influence

I was walking down the street today and I just realised that if we are at some level all the one energy that means that all the love and good is influencing us at all times, which is amazing, but at the same time all that is bad and evil the worst thing that could be conceived times a gazilion also exists at the same time, shit loads worse than the enemy’s we make in this five sense reality unfortunately. I called to my guides to give me the strength to acknowledge this opposite polarity because I can’t move forward in my journey without doing so. Headset reality teaches as to ignore and suppress , my guides say respect and acknowledge to move into high love and light portals which we can only see a celebrate because of real evil darkness’s sacrifice and don’t forget the sacrifice we all make by exsisting in this dense 3 D ancient future paradox. Food for thought. Until next time.


Law of vibration


Sqitzophrenia or psychic attack.