Elemental evocation.

So I've been creating these rattles for about 5 years now (photo below). I used treated leather as it was all I could source at the time, because the pod drys soft the sound is considerably reduced. Anyway I made a prototype I was happy with and took it on a bush walk with me. I found because i’m not blasting nature with a massive sound, elemental, thought forms and entities are not bombarded by load spiritual vibration created by say a animal hide rattle, I mean don't get me wrong the hide rattles are amazing and ethrial and I also make them too now but the treated leather rattles as I was saying seem to communicate with nature well and another plus is you don't attract attention to your self from other people. I have sold a fair few to people over the years at my market space (contact page), but never had the chance to convey what the point behind the soft shell rattles I sell was. I always carry mine with me whenever I bush walk and have built a beautiful language between me and the Elementals, animal life and earth as a whole. I have rattles available in my market space or contact me and i will make you a custom one. Feel free to contact me with any questions. Till next time.


Sqitzophrenia or psychic attack.


Earth vibration.