Sqitzophrenia or psychic attack.

What’s your view when it comes to sqitzophrenia? In my opinion sqitzophrenia to start with is a label placed by the medical community. Trust me it’s go’s deeper than that, in my opinion people like Me who suffer from a diagnosis of this kind are just in a lot of cases psychics that are in there development and have been fed off and pychicly attacked by Shadow people or God knows what while the main stream community can and has no conception of what is going on. So the go to thing is bring in big pharmaceutical company’s to develop drugs that they give people that for the most part don't even understand how the human brain works, pared with hit and miss pycietry with very little other help and support for the majority of the sufferers of humanity's ignorance of higher thought and spirituality. I have found that inbracing this gift (yes gift) and working hard to integrate it into my life and my spiritual practice. These days I love life most of the time and am grateful that I have been in trusted with this unique spiritual intuition and sight. My mind is real and valid and should be respected just like every other minority. Please understand there is much more beyond the five sense reality plain of existence. Till next time.


Polarity influence


Elemental evocation.